Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Maggie and Beth Around the House

I don't have any equipment to make indoor photo shoots easier. But I try to make the best of what I do have, in this case a well lit room with natural light and a white foamboard for a reflector!

Maggie and Beth were in the living room dressed in cute outfits, so I snapped some shots of them hanging out!

Socks! <3

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Your photos looked amazing, and I love the Disneyland shirt. Our friend Sam recently took some pictures in her cute outfits. You can see it on our blog.

    Morgan from the TN Girls

  2. Very cute! I like how this shoot is unique and fresh from what we usually see in photoshoots ;-)

  3. Loved it! Indoor photos are tough but you made it work. :D

    1. Thank you! It took a lot of tries to get these photos! :)

  4. Hello Victoria! I found your blog link at American Girl Fan, so checked it out. Your photos are very cute and interesting so I added you blog to my doll blog list on the side of my own dolly blog. I love AG dolls among others. Everyone seems to have a LOT of imagination out there in cyber space. I enjoy doll blogs a lot. I hope you will drop by and visit!

    1. I'm so happy you like my photos! What is your main blog?

  5. Hi Victoria; my doll blog is "Mind like a Sieve". If you click on my name, a page will open with a list of my blogs. (I do enjoy blogging) You can directly click on Mind like a Sieve and my blog will open.
