Sunday, April 30, 2017

3 Years and Photo Shoot of Phoebe

Image result for bright colored fireworks
from here
Today I remembered that on April 27, 2017, I reached my 3rd anniversary of doll blogging! I've been at this blog here on Blogger for almost 2 years, but before that had the same blog only on WordPress. What started out as posting a quick pictures of outfits I'd sewn and discovering the doll blogging community, turned into 3 years (so far) of doll blogging fun!

Over the past 3 years I have learned so much about photography, blogging in general, dolls, and have greatly expanded my doll family! It has been a lot of fun and I am excited to continue the journey! I enjoy all your comments and posts, and hope you enjoy seeing my posts :) 

Now on to the photo shoot for today....

It was a little breezy during this shoot, but it still worked out.

I hope you enjoyed those pictures!

Which doll do you think I should do a photo shoot of next?

Do you think Phoebe should do a post on her thoughts on Z's release and collection?

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Goodbye Kanani -- A Short Photo Story

The Kanani doll I bought and fixed up sold this week, so the doll family said goodbye to her this weekend before she traveled to her new home.


Kanani sighed. She was finished packing. She turned to her friend, Teddie.
"Thank you so much for making me welcome here," Kanani said.
"We all loved having you stay with us; I wish you could stay longer," Teddie replied.
"Me too..."
"But," Teddie said, "I'm sure your new home will be very nice, too."
"Yeah. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."

The girls hugged. 
Teddie said, "Make sure to write me."
Kanani nodded, "I definitely will."
The two girls headed downstairs to the front door.

There, Beth said goodbye to Kanani.

The whole family saw Kanani off, waving and calling goodbye.

A tear slipped down her cheek as she said goodbye to the wonderful new friends she had made.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Who Wore It Best Results and #2

Time for the results for last week's Who Wore it Best!!

It was between Beth and Maggie...


Out of 15 total votes the winner is...


It was quite close, Beth got 7 votes and Maggie got 8. Thank you everyone for voting!

Now for the next "who wore it best"! This week we have Kanani and Phoebe.

Vote before May 1 in the comments whether you think Phoebe or Kanani looks best in this outfit!